Presentation is a critical part of the selling process as it directly contributes to how buyers feel about your home.
As any leading real estate agent will advise there are many benefits to preparing your house properly before you take it to the market. It will save you time, make you money and take away stress.
It is widely recognised that the first impression is the most important aspect to creating that emotional connection with your home. You have 30 Seconds to engage a potential buyer with that “WOW” factor. First Impressions really do count!!
It has been reported that over 80% of styled houses sell for the asking price or higher as compared to non styled houses in the same market. Buyers will always favour a house which requires less work.
Styled properties sell 30-50% faster and for 7 – 17% higher price, than non-styled properties in a similar market. Presenting your property for sale is vital to ensure all the great features in your home are showcased and the negatives are dealt with leaving little room for negotiating on price. And remember, the longer your property is on the market the more price pressure your sale will come under.
People shop with logic but buy on emotion. Only 10% of people can visualise a property and imagine the wonderful possibilities your home has to offer them, they want aspirational living, so ensure your property creates an emotional connection for the buyer.
Without furniture in a room it is very difficult for most potential buyers to visualise the space and imagine how it will be used. Also, empty spaces look smaller than those that are furnished and that’s not the impression you want to create when selling your biggest asset. Selling a vacant property gives the potential buyer a reason to reduce the price and that’s last thing you want. Staging adds life to a home.
“Wow! What a beautiful home!” – This is the reaction we need to elicit from homebuyers. Presentation is a critical part of the selling process as it directly contributes to how buyers feel about your property. It’s commonly known that styled homes make the perfect first impression and build an immediate emotional connection. Furthermore, when buyers see your property listing online, they should see a constant theme. Let’s create a home people feel we created just for them.
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